Thursday, June 26, 2014

What IS There To Lose?

I've decided I want the guy who comes to pick up my express envelopes every day at work, we'll call him Mr. UpEx. He comes in, we flirt & talk shit to each other (this dance is referred to as "desk sex" by the bestie), and he leaves. And I'm left wishing I had launched myself at his FACE when I had the chance!  But I don't want him to be my boo thang, or my man, or anything else. I just need him for a few minutes, just long enough to wrap those tattooed arms around my waist & make me say "hey, daddy"... Then he can go on about his business. But I bet he has a wife, a girlfriend, 2 hos, & a chic on the side already & even though I don't want anything serious I damn sure can't have my MVA (Most Valuable Asset) just all out & about like that. It's going to require some investigation on my part to find out, and herein lies the problem...I have always had a strict rule about approaching men. I DON'T DO IT. I always felt like the kinda man I want is the kind who can tell me that he wants me, not the other way around. But shit is different than it used to be outchea in these single life streets, & apparently dudes are the new chics.  I am saddened by this, but when in Rome, right? Right? Yeah, right. The problem is that I'm an odd mix of self-confident & shy, which means I know exactly what I'm working with but there are not enough dollars in the Federal Reserve to get me to approach a guy & tell him why he should find this out for himself. What's a newly single girl to do?  Do I have anything to lose by asking the man if he's unattached & interested?

I'm already sick of this shit. Where is my goddamn wine???

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