Sunday, June 29, 2014


As I look back on it, last night was quite eventful... Before the dreaded phone call from The Ex, I decided to throw red wine at the wall.  Let me give you some context. Generally speaking, my wine comes in a box. What??? I drink economically & it's good!  Stop judging me!  Anyway,  I like to drink my wine in bed & then go immediately to sleep, but I'm a jackass & I tend to fall asleep holding my still-full glass of wine in my hand. After much wasted wine & a few near drownings, it occurred to me that I should pour my wine into the little individual sized bottles that you can get when you buy a 4 pack from the gas station (I'm such a fucking lady! ), this way I'd have a top on the bottle which would prevent the spillage. It works MOST of the time.  Well, last night I had a hot $5 in my pocket so I decided to get fancy & I headed over to Trader Joe's for some of that good 'ol $3 Buck Chuck. The only problem Chuck & I have is that he comes in a full size bottle. I don't have a funnel around here, so last night I decided I would pour my wine into my empty Wendy's cup. It's not as secure as my miniature bottle, but it's better than nothing, right? WRONG. I thought I was just reaching, in a very genteel way, for the cup.  Apparently, my brain & my arm were having communication issues & the genteel message was translated to "swing for the fences! ".  It went downwall from there. My precious Shiraz!  I tried to clean it up, but there's only so much I could do at 2 am. Fix it, Jesus...

It looks like a goddamn crime scene in my bedroom. 


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