Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I say HELLO!

So look, I don't know if I'm going to make this blog public or if it'll just be for me to get my shit out. I'm going through some serious life changes at the moment & I want to document the foolishment for posterity.  Haaaaaaaa! Anyway, I can ALMOST see 40 (but not quite), I'm coming out of a 10 year relationship with the man I thought I'd be with forever, & sometimes I'm really messed up behind this loss & sometimes I'm not. Today, I'm not. Fuck him. And I really wish someone would fuck me, but I digress. And last but not least, I have a teenage man child that I'm trying to keep alive (it is also entirely possible that he's trying to keep me alive). How in the shit did that even happpen? I just don't know how it's possible that this 6'2" man is my child, he was just a little bitty baby 2 or 3 weeks ago! Fix it, Jesus.
I don't know exactly what I'm going to be writing about, so it'll probably be a hodge podge of any & everything. I'm a bit of a wackjob, which means assclownery seems to follow me wherever I go, so hopefully there will be plenty of foolishness for me to share here. You should probably also know that tact is not my strong suit, but I do try to rein it in... sometimes.  But! There will be profanity & filth strewn hither & yon across this blog because it is mine & that's what I do. 

Let the shenanigans and chicanery begin!


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